Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Spent 2 hours in the cinema drooling. Almost nosebled to death.
No more macs breakfasts. Every time I have macs for breakfast, I end up getting diarrhoea. Shit to kingdom come.
I think, okay I don't think, I KNOW I'm insecure. I'm not emo-blogging lah, I promised not to. Just pondered some, I have too much time on my hands and nothing to do. Not nothing exactly, just too damn lazy to do anything else. I digressed. Anyways, I know I'm insecure cos I feel a constant need to be doing something, meeting somebody, or planning what to do next. I can't sit still and I hate being alone. If you look at my organizer, there's always something written in for the next 2 days at least. I fill up my days so that at night, all I can do is collapse on the bed and crash. Or worse, just falling sleep anytime and everywhere. And somehow, despite all this, I still feel an emptiness inside. I don't know why. I think it all started last year when I broke routine, and I can't live without routine. I need constants in my life. Constants like a, b, and k. GEDDIT?? Nevermind.
Feeling quite self-contented the past few days. Laughing, snorting and talking shit coming easier now. You know, it's the kind of zen-ness from within when you make peace with yourself, when you allow yourself to finally be happy again. When you allow yourself to just put everything that's bothering you into His hands and trust that He's going to make everything alright again.
I know I'm contradicting myself, but I'm talking about 2 entirely different issues here so pls just bare(hurhur) with me. I just felt like blogging. Word diarrhoea.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
I need to chill and be mellow and not give a damn about anything and anybody.
I need to stop being emo and scaring everyone.
I need to find the secret to happiness.
I need to be my really old self, the one who didn't sweat the small stuff and whose day could be made by a good song on morning radio. The one who found contentment in the smallest things and got by on the love from the people around. The one who took everything with a pinch of salt and laughed freely. The one who used to be me.

It may not be the 1st time but I'm going to find that self again. And I'm not going to lose that self anymore. Promise (:
Saturday, February 24, 2007
To the asshole(s) who stole my ipod, I only have one word for you: KARMA. I hope you rot in Hell.

It's easy to get a new one. But do tell, where can I go and buy the father's love and generosity that came along with it? It's not the 1st time I've lost something, but only this time, it's all the more painful cos it was a present from my daddy. So until you can tell me where I can find an ipod with the same sentimental value attached to it besides its commercial value, just shut the fuck up and stop asking me to get a new one.
This is the long goodbye
Somebody tell me why
Two lovers in love can't make it
Just what kind of love keeps breaking our hearts
No matter how hard I try
You're gonna make me cry
Come on baby it's over let's face it

All that's happening here is a long goodbye
Thursday, February 15, 2007
The difference between the friends you make and the friends you keep.

I am very touched.

Thank you and you for being on the phone with me night after night, so I won't be alone.
Thank you for the Joakim Gomez(who really is v cute, btw) advice(haha!) and the shopping.
Thank you for remembering my brown havaianas.

And thank you and you for remembering the pact. (:
31st Oct, same time, same spot, midnight madness.
Ahh love all my friends so much. GROUP HUG EVERYBODY!

"And in the end the love we take is equal to the love we make." - The Beatles
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Love songs on Class 95.

Lucky St Valentine. Elevated to celebrity status just cos he advocates love!

Call me bitter or whatever, I'm not celebrating the crass commercialism of Valentine's Day. Not this year anyways hurhur. But I believe that love should be celebrated every single day, not just on this one day of the year.

To lovers and my friends.
Happy Valentine's Day anyways (:

p/s: maymay we miss you alr!

Sunday, February 11, 2007
Fuck it all lah, whatever I do is just effort going down the bloody drain.

On the bright side, I went back to church. Well, it's about time lah. Woke up bright and early at 8am and strolled there. I love mornings, the bright sunshine and cool air. And for the 1st time in my life, I WAS 15 MINS EARLY. VVV proud of myself, I, who have never been early once in my life. And I was awake and listening the whole time, which is extremely commendable because I never used to be able to stay awake. Feeling happier now (: because like the pastor says, JC is the same yesterday, today and forever. I swear, whatever that has happened so far are just signs that I should go back to Him.

Sometimes, I just wish you'd bother fighting for what you believe(d) in. What's going to happen when the problem no longer becomes a problem? Or have you thrown it all away already?
Some say love it is a river
That drowns the tender reed
Some say love it is a razor
That leaves your soul to bleed

Some say love it is a hunger
An endless aching need
I say love it is a flower
And you it's only seed

It's the heart afraid of breaking
That never learns to dance
It's the dream afraid of waking that never takes the chance
It's the one who won't be taken
Who cannot seem to give
And the soul afraid of dying that never learns to live

When the night has been too lonely
And the road has been too long
And you think that love is only
For the lucky and the strong

Just remember in the winter far beneath the bitter snows
Lies the seed
That with the sun's love
In the spring
Becomes the rose
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
It's just another one of those mornings I wake up feeling like shit.

Another lesson learnt, another growing up process.

Another turning point a fork stuck in the road
Time grabs you by the wrist directs you where to go
So make the best of this test and don't ask why
It's not a question but a lesson learned in time

It's something unpredictable
But in the end is right
I hope you had the time of your life

So take the photographs and still frames in your mind
Hang it on a shelf in good health and good time
Tattoos of memories and dead skin on trial
For what it's worth it was worth all the while

It's something unpredictable
But in the end is right
I hope you had the time of your life
Mr Mens came a-knocking again yesterday, barely a week after he last visited. The reason I say "he", despite it being a females-only affliction, is because like men, it has the power to cause women serious pain, inconvenience and whatnot. But that was not the point I was trying to make. At the rate I'm going, I'm going to bleed to death lah. And no matter what Laurier says, YOU CAN'T CHANGE THE WAY WE FEEL ABOUT THEM(PERIODS).

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