I'm in Washington DC! We rented a car and roadtrip-ed here this morning. Slept through most of the 4-hour drive. Haven't managed to see anything yet cos we got here rather late and lost our way for a little bit. Drove into Virginia by accident, which we didn't even realise although we saw the pentagon haha. Everyone should roadtrip at least once in their lives. It's super fun. V much enjoying the US and travelling around. Don't really want to leave for more than one reason. For one, when I leave, I go back to school. SIAN. My timetable for next sem is pretty rotten. But at least I get to keep my friday free. I won't be staying in hall next sem anymore cos my roomie's friend didn't manage to secure the room. So I'll be staying home and eating my mum's cooking again (: And it's gg to be so much easier meeting everyone.
I LOVE ALL THINGS SOUTH AFRICAN (((: Am superduperuber happy now.
At IHOP[International House Of Pancakes] in NY. So, do I look like I put on weight!
The Wall Street bull. I was trying to put my finger into its mouth.
Playing tourists at the hostel in NY haha.